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Information, Assistance,
and Referral

Catawba Area Agency on Aging is for Seniors, Caregivers, and Adults with Disabilities living in Chester, Lancaster, Union and York Counties.

The Regional Information, Assistance & Referral Program assists individuals, families and the community to identify, understand and effectively use the programs and services that are part of the human service delivery system.


Community services are a vital link bringing people and resources together.  Finding the right resources to meet your needs, or the needs of a family member, can be overwhelming. Catawba Area Agency on Aging is dedicated to assisting you in this task. IR&A Specialist serve as the central information and resource center for finding services and assistance for older adults throughout Upstate South Carolina offers many programs to assist people in meeting their needs.


The Information, Assistance and Referral program supports practices that respect everyone’s right to:


  • Anonymous and confidential access to information

  • Assistance based on the inquirer’s personal value system

  • Treatment that respects the individual and exhibits cultural sensitivity

  • Self-determination

  • Choice in access to services

  • Accurate and comprehensive information appropriate to address individual needs.


Catawba Area Agency on Aging develops and maintains a resource database, tracks service inquiries and service gaps, conducts education and outreach and coordinates with other agency programs and services.

Help starts with a call.

Contact Catawba Area Agency on Aging by calling
803-329-9670 or toll-free 1-800-662-8330.

GetCareSC is your state guide to available resources for older adults, people with disabilities, their family members and caregivers in South Carolina. It is a program of the South Carolina Department on Aging.


Your help will be needed.

Your opinion and feedback will be requested in various ways and times. Participation helps us achieve our goals and create a program that will best serve seniors and their families in the Catawba Region and throughout the State of South Carolina. 

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